Link Up with LFS

Interested in LFS? Connect here.

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems (LFS) has plenty to offer. LFS Links is here to help you connect your interests and passions to one of our four undergraduate programs: Food, Nutrition and Health (FNH), Applied Biology (APBI), Global Resource Systems (GRS), and Food and Resource Economics (FRE).

LFS Undergraduate Programs

Collectively, students in our Faculty strive to address key global issues related to our food systems, global resources, economic prosperity, and the health of our planet. Click on one of our programs below to learn more about why you might pick that program, and what you’d love about it. You can also explore the different majors available.

Why choose this program?

LFS's Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition and Health offers students a comprehensive understanding of the production and processing of food, its marketing, consumption, and effects on human health. Learning about nutrient roles in disease, to the social determinants of health, to the greater food system, FNH prepares students for professional designation, builds a foundation for medical or graduate studies, or prepares them for a career in global food markets — all of it is possible in Food, Nutrition and Health.

You will like this program if:

  • you are passionate about human nutrition, disease prevention, food security, global health, and food policy
  • you are interested in pursuing a career in public health, medicine, consulting, research, food science or dietetics
  • you value an interdisciplinary approach to your learning by integrating topics ranging from health psychology to genetics to medical anthropology into your main discipline (learn more about electives in FNH here)

Majors Offered: Food, Nutrition and Health General, Nutritional Science, Food Science, Food and Nutritional Science Double Major, Dietetics

Why choose this program?

Explore the real-world application of the life sciences to the management of land, animals and food production. You may learn about animal physiology and behaviour or how to produce food in a way that protects our soils, water, air, and biodiversity. Gain practical in-field experience, apply your knowledge to biological issues, and build your research skills along the way with LFS's Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology.


You will like this program if:

  • you are passionate about animal welfare, wildlife conservation, food security, resource management, and climate change
  • you are interested in pursuing a career in conservation, biomedical research, land management, animal welfare, veterinary practice, sustainable agriculture, and wildlife restoration
  • you value hands-on, application-based learning and flexibility in your degree programming


Majors Offered: Applied Animal Biology, Sustainable Agriculture and Environment

Why choose this program?

The Global Resource Systems (GRS) program is a student-centred Bachelor of Science degree that allows students to gain an understanding of natural and agricultural resources from an international and interdisciplinary perspective. Students design their own degrees by choosing a “region” of the world and a “resource” they wish to study. Whether it be global health, international development, agricultural sustainability, or another "resource", you will develop cross-cultural awareness and real-world experience by focusing on your region of choice.

You will like this program if:

  • you hope to address global systems and issues by finding innovative solutions to meet the needs of regions around the world
  • you are interested in exploring the intersection between a given region and resource/global topic
  • you value interdisciplinarity, flexibility, international study experience, and a learner-focused approach in your degree

Please note that this is a second-year entry program. Students typically will apply after their first year of study at UBC.

Why choose this program?

The Bachelor of Science in Food and Resource Economics (FRE) program will take your interest in economic and business management application to a whole new level. You may choose to specialize in applied economics by taking courses that focus on natural resource economics, economic development and international trade, or you may choose to obtain a broader skill set by combining courses in economics, business management and science.

You will like this program if:

  • you are passionate about global food markets, food security, natural resources, data analytics, economics, and supply chains
  • you are interested in using economics and business management to address economic and management issues in food supply chains, including the environmental and resource-related impacts of food production
  • your goal is to pursue a career in agribusiness, food processing, waste and resource management, or global trade

Please note that this is a second-year entry program. Students typically will apply after their first year of study at UBC.

Majors Offered: Food Markets and Development, Land, Resources and Environment, Food and Resource Management

What makes studying science in LFS different?

Our programs are designed for you to take the lead – to lead with passion. It is up to you to challenge yourself, get your hands dirty, and embrace the opportunities that are offered within our Faculty. You are taught the foundational knowledge you need for upper year courses and are given the freedom to shape your degree around your interests and goals.


Check out the LFS YouTube Channel to find more videos like the one above!


Here are some reasons why you may want to pursue your Bachelor of Science in LFS:

  • interdisciplinary studies prepare students to explore and analyze the complexities of small- and large-scale issues faced by our communities

  • degree flexibility means students develop a foundational understanding of science through core courses, but have the freedom to explore complex global topics related to their main degree focus

  • research-based and hands-on in-class opportunities allow students to develop scientific skills that can be used beyond the classroom

  • actively prepares students for graduate studies in professional programs such as medicine and law through career development workshops and mentorship


Ever wondered what student life and career opportunities are like for LFS students? Here you can explore career resources and information about how LFS prepares students for professional pathways – some of which may surprise you!

Career Carrots Podcast

Career Carrots is a podcast series that is hosted by Allison Mander-Wionzek (LFS Career Strategist), meant to help students develop their career journeys by sharing unique stories, experiences, and tips.

Listen to the first three seasons on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!


Co-Op Opportunities

The UBC Science Co-op Program connects students in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems with employers across various industries. Our Land and Food Systems students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to tackle real-world issues, such as human health, sustainability, and the use of land and water resources. Past Land and Food Systems Co-op students have worked in areas as diverse as nutrition research, food analysis, product development, and quality assurance.

If you are interested in getting work experience during your degree,

click here to learn more!


Work Learn Program

The Work Learn Program supports and subsidizes meaningful work experiences on and off campus, offering current UBC Vancouver students the opportunity to develop their professional skills in a professional setting. Learn from a mentor, expand your professional network, and gain work experience and skills through a part-time UBC job while taking classes.

For more information on the Work Learn Program, click here!


Check out some other ways to build career exploration into your time at LFS!


Featured LFS Graduates

Unsure of where your degree can take you? You may end up in the career you wanted from the start, but you may choose a different path once you get here. Many of our students also go on to pursue degrees in medicine, dentistry, law, research and other professional programs beyond their undergraduate degree. Check out our featured alumni profiles to see just how diverse a Bachelor of Science from LFS can be.

Meet the Outreach Team

We are the LFS Student Ambassadors and Indigenous Outreach Coordinator – current LFS students who are working with the LFS Student Services team to meet prospective students interested in applying to our programs and to raise the profile of our exciting Faculty. If you are joining us for an event, like Taste of LFS or UBC Welcomes You, or want to work with us to coordinate a Land, Food, and You program with your school, do not hesitate to reach out. We can’t wait to meet you! You can learn more about our LFS experience and why we chose this Faculty for our post-secondary studies in our bios below.


Taste of LFS 2023

Thank you to those who joined us for a week of virtual events and workshops to learn more about the programs offered in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems! We hope Taste of LFS gave you a chance to connect with Academic Advisors and current students, to ask questions about your academic journey, and to explore the many opportunities available to you in LFS.

If you were unable to attend any of the sessions, watch the recordings on YouTube. Below you can find descriptions of what you can expect from each of our sessions.

LFS Information Session: Come learn more about our friendly Faculty! Our community leaders and peers drive change in the areas of food security and safety, human nutrition, and the way we lean on our land. Learn from our Academic Advisors and current students about our unique program options, get your admissions questions answered, and explore how LFS can help you deepen your knowledge of core sciences and expand your specialized skills in the systems you choose to study.


Food, Nutrition and Health Deep Dive: Join our Student Ambassadors and current FNH students as they take a closer look at the Food, Nutrition, and Health Program and the majors it offers. We’ll follow this up with a case study about the nutrition transition, so you can get the flavour of FNH coursework.


Applied Biology Deep Dive: Join our Student Ambassadors and current APBI students as they take a closer look at the Applied Biology program and the majors it offers. We’ll follow this up with a case study on wildlife-human conflict to understand the possibilities of APBI coursework.


Seeds of Success – LFS and Your Career: Join LFS’s own Career Strategist, Allison Mander-Wionzek, to learn more about starting to navigate your career while in school. One fear many new university students have is what they will do with their degree after graduation. Our Career Strategist is here to help. In this session, we will cover the many career engagement opportunities available to undergraduate LFS students.


LFS Welcomes You 2024

Thank you to those who joined us for a week of virtual events and workshops to learn more about the programs offered in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems! We hope that LFS Welcomes You gave you a chance to connect with Academic Advisors, current students and professors to ask questions about your academic journey, and to explore the many opportunities available to you in LFS.

If you were unable to attend any of the sessions, watch the recordings on YouTube. Below you can find descriptions of what you can expect from each of our sessions.

LFS Welcomes You & Next Steps Join the director of LFS Student Services, Christine Klaray, LFS Ambassador, Ayasha Santoso, and current students for a closer look at all things LFS. We’ll walk you through our undergraduate programs and the next steps in accepting your offer


Food, Nutrition and Health Deep Dive: If you want to learn more about your program, the majors offered, and opportunities within Food, Nutrition and Health, join Academic Advisor Shannon Blakely, along with current students and professors to get the inside scoop. Additionally, LFS Dean, Rickey Yada, will join us for special welcome.


Applied Biology Deep Dive: If you want to learn more about your program, the majors offered, and opportunities within Applied Biology, join Academic Advisor Ella Wong, along with current students and professors to get the inside scoop. Additionally, LFS Dean, Rickey Yada, will join us for special welcome.


Land One Information Session Join our Land One Program Coordinator, Fernanda Tomaselli and Academic Advisor, Shannon Blakely to learn about our first-year cohort program for students in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and the Faculty of Forestry. Former participants will share their first-hand experience so you can take a closer look at this potential option and find out the steps to apply.


Careers in LFS: Wondering what you can do with an LFS degree? Come to this session to learn more about how career-ready skills are embedded in to your classes, as well as the potential opportunities for life after LFS. Hosted by our dedicated Career Strategist, Allison Mander-Wionzek, she will be joined by two LFS Alumni: Christopher Mulya (BSc. Food, Nutrition and Health ‘23) and Yolanda Masacha (BSc. Applied Biology ‘23).


Still have questions?

Connect with our team of Academic Advisors if you have questions about your academic journey in LFS. If you want to learn more about the student experience and what it’s like to be a part of the LFS community, email the Student Outreach Team (Angela, Ashley & Kynzie) and they will be happy to chat with you. We look forward to hearing from you!