Highly valued members of the UBC community who are seeking further training in a particular area of research, Postdoctoral Fellows (PDFs) make an indispensable contribution to the university’s research environment as well as their chosen field. Working under the supervision of a faculty member, they also often assist with the supervision of graduate students.
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Featured Postdoctoral Fellow
Yangfan Zhang
BSc (1st honours) 2014 – Major in Aquaculture & Minor in Agricultural Economics, Dalhousie; MSc 2016 – Applied Animal Biology, Fish Physiology, UBC; PhD 2021 – Applied Animal Biology, Fish Physiology, UBC; Postdoctoral fellow – joint position with Tony Farrell at LFS and Jeff Richards and Colin Brauner at Dept of Zoology
What is the next step in your academic journey?
I will join Dr. George Lauder’s laboratory at Harvard University as an NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow. Although I have a research program planned out, anything could happen at Harvard. I keep an open mind for this new journey. The unknown is the most exciting part.
What field of research are you involved in?
I am in comparative and environmental physiology of fish with a primary focus on the performance of the respiratory system. Because the respiratory system responds tightly to whole-animal metabolic demands, my research allows me to explore how animals metabolically adapt to the environment. It is truly a discipline about the fire of life, and its interactions with the environment.
Read more about Yangfan’s story here.