Sandra Brown
Associate Professor of Teaching, Applied Biology
MacMillan 229, 2357 Main Mall
International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 1998, Post-Doc, Gender and resources in the Middle Mountains of Nepal
University of British Columbia, 1997, PhD, Interdisciplinary Studies in Resource Management
University of British Columbia, 1990, MSc, Soil Physics
University of British Columbia, 1984, BSc, Physical Geography
- Complementarity of teaching approaches in Soil Science Education
- Catalysts: learning modules addressing content and language gaps in soil science education
- Water Metabolism in Extractive Frontiers of Colombia
Recent projects:
Adaptación al cambio climático en Colombia Rural: el papel de la gobernanza del agua
Inventario de plantas – pequeños humedales del Quindio Colombia
Graduate Students
Parisa Rinaldi (joint PhD with Universidad de los Andes). Thesis - Transdisciplinary water research in extractive frontiers.
Clara Roa-Garcia (PhD, 2009-2018, co-supervised with Dr. Maja Krzic). Thesis - Soil properties and land use affecting soil water dynamics in Andisols and Inceptisols at two mid-elevation sites in the Colombian Andes.
Roa, C., S. Brown, M. Krzic, L.M. Lavkulich. 2021. Relationship of soil water retention characteristics and soil properties: a case study from the Colombian Andes. Canadian Journal of Soil Science https://doi.org/10.1139/cjss-2020-0066
Krzic M., S. Brown, A. Bomke. 2020. Combining problem-based learning and team-based learning in a sustainable soil management course. Natural Sciences Education 49(1): https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20008
Roa García M.C., Brown S. 2017. Assessing equity and sustainability of water allocation in Colombia. Local Local Environment 22(9): 1080-1104. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2015.1070816
Roa García M.C., Brown S. 2016. Caracterización de la acumulación de carbono en pequeños humedales Andinos en la cuenca alta del Río barbas (Quindío, Colombia); Characterization of carbon storage in small Andean wetlands of the upper Barbas watershed (Quindio Colombia). Caldasia 38(1): 117-135. http://www.revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/cal/issue/view/4534
Krzic M., Bomke A., Sylvestre M., Brown S. 2015. Teaching sustainable soil management: a framework for using problem-based learning. Natural Sciences Education. 44: 34-42. doi 10.4195/nse2014.07-0015
Brown S., Schreier H., Lavkulich L.M. 2011. Developing indicators for regional water quality assessment: an example from British Columbia community watersheds. Canadian Water Resources Journal 36(3): 271-284.
Roa García M.C., Brown S., Schreier H., Lavkulich L.M. 2011. The role of land use and soils in regulating water flow in small headwater catchments of the Andes. Water Resources Research 47(5): W05510, doi:10.1029/2010WR00958
- Richards Faculty Service Award , 2016
- UBC Soil Science Teaching and Mentorship Award , 2013
- AUCC Canada-Latin America Research Exchange Grant , 2006
- IDRC postdoctoral grant , 1997
Tagged with: Applied Biology, Faculty, Soil Science, Sustainable Agriculture and Environment