Maja Krzic
3M National Teaching Fellow,
Professor, Applied Biology/Forest and Conservation Sciences
MacMillan 227, 2357 Main Mall
University of British Columbia, 1997, PhD
University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1990, MSc
University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1986, BSc
- Linking soil science research with teaching along with community involvement to create educational environment where students can actively engage in ‘real-world’ problems
- Combining soil science concepts and the impact of humans on soil properties and processes in crop, grassland, and forest ecosystems
- Exploring the role of soil in addressing some of the existential global sustainability challenges we are facing
Graduate Students & Postdocs:
Current Graduate Students & Postdocs:
Amy Wells (MSc, started Sep 2024). Thesis – Silicon stocks across the forest chronosequence as impacted by ancestral land use (co-supervised with Dr. J.T. Cornelis)
Dr. Kiran Padda (Postdoc 2022-23). Project - Soil organic matter fractions on grassland soils of British Columbia
Morgan Hamilton (MSc, 2021-24). Thesis - Biochar as a soil carbon storage tool that mitigates drought and nutrient stresses in agriculture
Joseph Crudo (MSc, 2020-24). Thesis - Soil quality on the Long-Term Soil Productivity Study in Central British Columbia
Bryan Driscoll (MSc, 2019-22). Thesis - The effects of diversion terraces, grassed waterways, and tile drainage on selected soil properties and greenhouse gas emissions.
Sarah Clements (MSc, 2019-22). Thesis - Training post-industrial agrarians: Critical skills, knowledge, and teaching methods for organic and regenerative agriculture education programming.
Alex Kramer (MSc, 2018-21). Thesis - Carbon Stock and Plant Communities across and Elevation Gradient of a Semiarid Grassland: A 58-Year Follow up
Teresa Porter (MSc, 2018-21). Thesis - Examining selected soil properties on the lower Fraser River delta following four-year grassland set-asides
Chantel Chizen (MSc, 2018-20). Thesis - Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Potato Fields in Delta, BC in response to Nitrogen Fertilization and Drainage
Lewis Fausak (MSc, 2017-19). Thesis - Grassland-set-asides and their effects on soil nitrogen
Clara Roa-Garcia (PhD, 2009-18). Thesis - Soil properties and land use affecting soil water dynamics in Andisols and Inceptisols in the Colombian Andes
Emma Avery (MSc, 2016-18). Thesis - Long-term impacts of biosolids application on soil quality and vegetation at the OK Ranch, Jesmond, BC
Jason Lussier (MSc, 2016-18). Thesis - The effects of short-term grassland set-asides on soil properties in the Fraser River Delta of British Columbia
Dr. Preston Cumming (Postdoc, 2013-15). Project - Effect of microclimate on community composition, productivity, and invasive plant establishment in grasslands
Darrell Hoffman (MSc, 2013-15). Thesis - Development and Evaluation of a Web-Based Educational Tool for Forest Floor Description and Humus Form Classification
Daniel Seeton (MSc, 2010-16). Thesis – Ammonia emission and dry deposition from broiler barns in the Fraser River Valley of British Columbia
Alisha Hackinen (MSc, 2010-dnf). Thesis – Application of Collaborative Case Based Learning in a Sustainable Soil Management Course
Dru Yates (MSc, 2011-14). Thesis - Effects of grassland set-asides on selected soil properties in the Fraser River delta of British Columbia
Robbie Lee (MSc, 2009-11). Thesis – Relationships of plant communities and soil properties to exotic plant invasion under climate change scenario
Christian Evans (MSc, 2008-11). Thesis - A comparison of the effects of 20 and 30 years of grazing on grassland soil properties in southern British Columbia
Rachel Strivelli (MSc, 2007-10). Thesis - Development of an innovative, interactive soils teaching tool for metapedogenesis
Sarah Lamagna (MSc, 2006-08). Thesis - Development of health indicators for rough fescue grasslands in the southern interior of British Columbia
Yihai (Simon) Zhao (PhD, 2004-09). Thesis - Compaction susceptibility of forest soils in BC
Adrienne Scott (MSc, 2005-11). Thesis - An assessment of soil water repellency after wildfire in southern British Columbia: Comparison of methodologies and predictive indicators
Bruce Roddan (MSc, 2005-08). Thesis - Development of sediment trap design for riparian areas
Brian Wallace (MSc, 2005-07). Thesis - Effect of biosoilds on physical properties of rangeland soils in southern British Columbia
Shannon Ripley (MSc, 2004-07). Thesis - Soil quality indicators in the forest grazing systems in Argentina
Maryam Mofidpoor (MSc, 2004-07). Thesis - Soil quality indicators for peat moss as a growing media base
Peter Sorokovsky (MSc, 2002-05). Thesis - Compaction on sand-based putting greens in the Lower Fraser Valley
- APBI 200 – Introduction to Soil Science
- APBI 402 / SOIL 502 – Sustainable Soil Management
- APBI 403 / SOIL 503 – Soil Sampling, Analyses and Data Interpretation
Online Teaching Tools:
- SoilWeb
- Soil Classification: Canadian soil orders
- Soil formation and soil processes
- Land-use impact on soil quality teaching tool
- Virtual soil science learning resources
- Soil formation and parent material
- The soil monolith collection at the University of British Columbia
- Virtual soil lab modules
- It’s alive! Uncovering the roots of life in forest soils
- Soil4Youth
- Forest Floor
- Pinus radiata Plantation in South Africa
- Vancouver soil map
See Google Scholar for a full list of publications.
Krzic, M., T. Yates, A. Diochon, L. Van Eerd, and D. MacKenzie. 2024. Assessing the Incorporation of the Soil Health Concept in Postsecondary Education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science https://doi.org/10.1139/cjss-2024-000
Kramer, A., B.M. Wallace, M. Krzic, R. Newman, and G.E. Bradfield. 2023. Elevation gradient drives distribution of soil carbon and plant communities in a semiarid grassland of British Columbia. Accepted by Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 103(3). https://doi.org/10.1139/CJSS-2022-0117.
Brown, S. and Krzic, M. 2022. Student perspectives of blended online teaching and learning in a large science course during the COVID-19 pandemic. NACTA journal 66:79-91.
Cornelis J-T., Bittman S., Black A., Chanway C., Grayston S., Hannam K., Kabzems R., Kranabetter M., Krzic M., Lavkulich L., Prescott C., Preston M.D., Sanborn P., Simard S., Smukler S. 2022. Soil properties in British Columbia, Canada. Geoderma Regional, 29, e00511 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2022.e00511
Brevik, E.C., J. Hannam, M. Krzic, C. Muggler, and Y. Uchida. 2022. The importance of soil education to connectivity as a dimension of soil security. Soil Security, 7, 100066 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soisec.2022.100066.
Brevik, E.C., M. Krzic, C. Muggler, D. Field, J. Hannam, and Y. Uchida. 2022 Soil Science Education – A Multi-national Look at Current Perspectivves. Natural Sciences Education 2022;51:e20077 https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20077.
Krzic, M. and S. Ernst. 2021. The golden age of education: Natural Sciences Education turns 50. https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20041
Mahler, R.L., M. Krzic, B.Garamon Merkle, C. Moorberg, and E.C. Brevik. 2021. Natural sciences education in a COVID-19 world. Natural Sciences Education, 50, e20067. https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20067
Brown, S.J. and M. Krzic. 2021. Lessons learned teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic: Incorporating change for future large science
Walji, K., M. Krzic, D. Bondar, and S.M. Smukler. 2020. Nitrogen dynamics following incorporation of 3-year old grassland set-asides in the Fraser River delta of British Columbia. Agronomy 2020, 10(09), 1382 https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091382.
Bradfield, G., Cumming, P.W., R.F. Newman, and M. Krzic. 2021. Grazing exclosures reveal divergent patterns of change in bunchgrass grasslands of Western Canada. Botany 99(1):9-22.
Roa-Garcia, C., S. Brown, M. Krzic, L.M. Lavkulich, and M.C. Garcia-Roa. 2020. Relationship of soil water retention characteristics and soil properties: A case study from the Colombian Andes. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjss-2020-0066
Krzic, M., S.J. Brown, and A.A. Bomke. 2020. Combining problem-based learning and team-based learning in a sustainable soil management course. Natural Science Education 2020;49:e20008.https://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20008. SoT
Lussier, J.M., M. Krzic, S.M. Smukler, K. Neufeld, C. Chizen, and A.A. Bomke. 2020. Soil organic carbon and aggregate stability in two seasons of grassland set-aside and annual crop rotations. Soil Research 58(4): 364-370. https://doi.org/10.1071/SR19180
Paul, S., Coops, N., Johnson, M., Krzic, M. and Smukler, S.M. 2019. Evaluating sampling efforts of standard laboratory analysis and mid-infrared spectroscopy for cost effective digital soil mapping at field scale. Geoderma 356:113925.
Masse, J., Yates, T.T., Krzic, M., Unc, A., Chen, C., Hodgson, K., Quideau, S., and Warren, J. 2019. Identifying learning outcomes for a Canadian pedology field school: Addressing the gap between new graduates’ skills and the needs of the current job market. Canadian Journal of Soil Science.
Avery, E., M. Krzic, B.M. Wallace, R.F. Newman, G.E. Bradfield, S.M. Smukler. 2019. Plant species composition and forage production 14 Yr after biosolids application and grazing exclusion. Rangeland Ecology & Management http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2019.07.003
Lussier, J.M., M. Krzic, S.M. Smukler, A.A. Bomke, and D. Bondar. 2019. Short-term effects of grassland set-asides on soil properties in the Fraser River Delta of British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 99:136-145. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjss-2018-0097
Avery, E., M. Krzic, B. Wallace, R.F. Newman, S.M. Smukler, and G.E. Bradfield. 2018. One-time application of biosolids to ungrazed semiarid rangelands: 14-year soil responses. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 98:696-708. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjss-2018-0102
Krzic, M., J. Wilson, and D. Hoffman. 2018. Scaffolding student learning: forest floor. Natural Science Education 47:1-7. (doi:10.4195/nse2017.11.0023)
Krzic, M., T. Yates, A. Diochon, M. Swalow, N. Basiliko, and M. Pare. 2018. Introductory soils courses: a frontier of soil science education in Canada. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. (https://doi-org.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/10.1139/CJSS-2018-0006)
Amargedon-Madison, J., M. Krzic, S. Simard, C. Adderly, and S. Khan. 2018. Shroomroot: An action-based digital game to enhance postsecondary teaching and learning about mycorrhiza. American Biology Teacher 80(1):11-20.
Hoffman, D., M. Krzic, S. Nashon, and M. Schmidt. 2017. Web-based educational tool and mobile quest for forest floor description and humus form classification. Natural Science Education 46:1-10 (doi:10.4195/nse2017.05.0008)
Diochon, A., N. Basiliko, M. Krzic, T. Yates, E. Olson, J. Masse, B. Amiro, and D. Kumaragamage. 2017. Profiling undergraduate soil science education in Canada: Status and projected trends. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 97:122-132 (doi: 10.1139/CJSS-2016-0058).
Wallace B.M., M. Krzic , R.F. Newman, T.A. Forge, K. Broersma, and G. Neilsen. 2016. Soil aggregate dynamics and plant community response following biosolids application in semiarid grasslands. J. Environm. Qual. Vol. 45 No. 5, p. 1663-1671 (doi:10.2134/jeq2016.01.0030)
Cumming, P.W, R.F. Newman, G. Bradfield, M. Krzic , and D.J. Thompson. 2016. Grazing and solar irradiance drive micro-scale patterning of grassland plant communities in south-central British Columbia. J. Arid Environ. 133:94-101.
Krzic, M. , A.A. Bomke, M. Sylvestre, and S.J. Brown. 2015. Teaching sustainable soil management: A framework for using problem-based learning. Natural Sci. Edu. 44: 43-50.
Iverson, M., M. Krzic, and A.A. Bomke. 2014. A framework for site assessment guides for urban impacted soils: A Vancouver case study. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 5(1):1-11.
- Fellow of the Soil Science Society of America, 2023
- Fellow of the Canadian Soil Science Society, 2022
- Award of Merit for the Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology in a Partnership or Collaboration category by the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education – CNIE, 2021
- UBC Open Education Resource Champion, 2021
- UBC Open Education Resource Champion, 2020
- UBC Open Education Resource Champion, 2019
- BCcampus Award for Excellence in Open Education, 2018
- 3M National Teaching Fellow, 2016
- Outstanding Associate Editor of Natural Sciences Education, 2016
- Platinum AVA Digital Award in the Information Experience category for the educational project SOILx, 2015
- Platinum MARCOM Award in the mobile and web-based technology category for the educational project SOILx, 2014
- Quarry Life Award (3rd place), 2014
- CNIE Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Integration of Technology, in a Formal or Non-Formal Educational Program, 2014
- Mentoring Award by the Association for Women Soil Scientists, Soil Science Society of America, 2013
- Soil Science for Society Award by the Canadian Society of Soil Science, 2012
- CNIE Award of Excellence in Innovation in Web Design by the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE), 2011
- CNIE Award of Merit in the Media Festival for the instructional, post-secondary awarded by the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE), 2007
- CADE Award of Excellence for Partnership and Collaboration by the Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE), 2007
- AMTEC Award of Merit by the Association for Media and Technology in Education in Canada (AMTEC), 2007
- North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Teaching Award of Merit, 2006
- UBC Killam Teaching Prize, 2006
Dr. Maja Krzic is the founder and the co-chair of the Soil Education Committee, within the Canadian Society of Soil Science (2014-present).
She is an Editor of the Natural Sciences Education journal (2020-2025), for which she served as Associated Editor (2013-2018). She also currently serves on the editorial board of the Canadian Journal of Soil Science (2019-present). During 2018-21, Maja served as the lead Editor for an online, open access textbook "Digging into Canadian Soils: An Introduction to Soil Science" available at https://openpress.usask.ca/soilscience/.
Tagged with: Applied Biology, Faculty, Soil Science, Sustainable Agriculture and Environment