Alexandra Protopopova
Associate Professor, Applied Biology (Animal Welfare Program)
NSERC/BC SPCA Industrial Research Chair in Animal Welfare
MacMillan 193, 2357 Main Mall
PhD in Behavior Analysis, University of Florida
MS in Behavior Analysis, University of Florida
BS in Pre-Veterinary and Animal Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst
BS in Neuroscience, University of Massachusetts Amherst
My research aims are to (1) improve animal shelter practices, (2) improve companion animal welfare through the development of behavioural interventions in shelters as well as pet homes, and (3) assess and improve on the well-being of dogs working in assistance roles.
Please visit Dr. Protopopova’s Google Scholar page for a full list of publications.
Protopopova, A., Matter, A., Harris, B., Wiskow, K., Donaldson, J. (In press). Comparison of contingent and non-contingent access to therapy dogs during academic tasks in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.
Andrukonis, A. & Protopopova, A. (In press). Occupational health of animal shelter employees by live release rate, shelter type, and euthanasia-related decision. Anthrozoos.
Protopopova, A., Hauser, H, Goldman, K, & Wynne, C. D. L. (2018). The effects of exercise and calm interactions on in-kennel behavior of shelter dogs. Behavioral Processes, 146, 54-60.
Gunter, L., Protopopova, A., Hooker, S., Ananian, S. D., & Wynne, C. D. L. (2017). Effects of an owner activity & behavioral intervention on walking activity and return rates of shelter dogs. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 20(4), 357-371.
Protopopova, A., & Gunter, L. M. (2017). Adoption and relinquishment interventions at the animal shelter: a review. Animal Welfare, 26(1), 35-48.
Tagged with: Applied Animal Biology, Applied Biology, Faculty