Andrew Riseman
Associate Professor, Applied Biology and Plant Breeding
MacMillan 323, 2357 Main Mall
Pennsylvania State University, 1997, PhD
Pennsylvania State University, 1990, MSc
Pennsylvania State University, 1984, BSc
My research interests include understanding the role of plant genetics in the design of sustainable production systems, identifying relevant traits useful in these systems, combining them within superior germplasm, and integrating this germplasm into an optimized system. General areas of interest include plant breeding, intercrop interactions, nutrient use efficiency, root physiology, biotic and abiotic stressor resistance, and edaphic selection. Currently, I am focusing on understanding and designing intensive multi-trophic production systems and the re-integration of plant and animal production.
Beyond biological research, I have strong interests in Community Based Action Research (CBAR) and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Specific interests include teaching critical thinking, using technology to enhance the learning environment, and promoting storytelling and digital communication skills for student outreach.
In addition to my research interests, I am passionate about the UBC Farm and its continued evolution into a world-class academic resource.
The long term objectives of my research are:
- to develop germplasm that is enhanced for traits valuable in sustainable production systems
- to develop germplasm specifically for integrated animal crop production systems
- to elucidate the underlining genetic basis for traits related to sustainable production including biotic and abiotic stressor resistance
- to develop appropriate technology : germplasm combinations optimized for urban agriculture
Research Projects
- Development of bioactive formulations for enhanced agricultural production
- Evaluation of plant genetics on small grain : legume intercropping systems
- Evaluation of various nitrogen sources in organic production systems
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Objectives
- to develop techniques and strategies to seamlessly layer critical thinking skill development into all aspects of coursework
- to develop effective student : community engagement environments that provide meaningful experiences for both the community and the student
- to better understand the opportunities, impacts and consequences associated with using technology within student-centre active learning environments
- to develop learning objects, i.e., simulations, augmented realities, that promote student learning and connections to the world around them
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Projects
- Scaffolding and Scaling up Integrated Experiential Learning Experiences in the Core Series, Land and Food Systems (TLEF 2016-2018)
- Development of computer simulation for enhanced learning of plant breeding and genetics
- APBI 318 Applied Plant Breeding
- APBI 360 Agroecology II
- APBI 460 Agroecology III
Nicholas C Coops, Jean Marcus, Ileana Construt, Erica Frank, Ron Kellett, Eric Mazzi, Alison Munro, Susan Nesbit, Andrew Riseman, John Robinson, Anneliese Schultz, Yona Sipos. 2015, How an entry- level, interdisciplinary sustainability course revealed the benefits and challenges of a university-wide initiative for sustainability education, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 16 Iss 5 pp. 729 – 747.
Ramakrishnan, A., C. Ritland, R. Blas, and A. Riseman. 2015. Review of Potato Molecular Markers to Enhance Trait Selection. American Journal of Potato Research. April:1-18.
Chapagain, T. and A. Riseman. 2015. Nitrogen and carbon transformations, water use efficiency and ecosystem productivity in monocultures and wheat-bean intercropping systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 101(1):107-121.
Chapagain, T. and A. Riseman. 2014. Intercropping wheat and beans: Effects on Agronomic performance and land productivity. Crop Science 54(5):1-9.
Chapagain, T. and A. Riseman. 2014. Barley-pea intercropping: Effects on land productivity, carbon and nitrogen transformations. Field Crops Research. 166(September):18-25.
Chapagain, T., L. Super and A. Riseman. 2014. Root Architecture Variation in Wheat and Barley Cultivars. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 4(7): 849-856.
Schutzbank, M. and A. Riseman. 2013. Entrepreneurial Urban Farms: An Urban Farming Census of Vancouver. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. 8(4):131-163.
Chapagain, T. and A. Riseman. 2012. Evaluation of Heirloom and Commercial Cultivars of Small Grains under Low Input Organic Systems, American Journal of Plant Sciences, 3, 655-669.
Chapagain, T., A. Riseman and E. Yamaji. 2011. Assessment of System of Rice Intensification (SRI) and Conventional Practices under Organic and Inorganic Management in Japan. Rice Science 18 (4): 311-320.
Chapagain, T., A. Riseman and E. Yamaji. 2011. Achieving More with Less Water: Alternate Wet and Dry Irrigation (AWDI) as an Alternative to the Conventional Water Management Practices in Rice Farming. Journal of Agricultural Science 3 (3): 3-13.
Tagged with: Applied Biology, Faculty, Integrated Studies, Plant Science, Sustainable Agriculture and Environment