Analytical Core Facility

The Analytical Core Facility within the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia is a shared resource facility with specialized equipment for the analysis of small molecules. The facility provides training and access to analytical equipment for academic and non-academic research projects on a fee-for-service basis. The facility offers high analytical data quality, relevant and effective instrument and analysis training, and expertise on analytical research projects. We’re here to make sure you have access to the tools and resources you need to answer your research questions.

If you’re interested in analytical method development, quantitative and qualitative small molecule analysis, or equipment training please reach out! We have experience in a range of small molecules using our GC or LC system. We have the capacity for LC-MS, GC-MS, HPLC-UV, HPLC-RID, or HPLC-FLD chromatography. See our equipment page for more specifics.

Facility Manager
Eerik Piirtola
Phone: 604-827-2157
Address: 327-2205 East Mall | Vancouver BC | V6T 1Z4 Canada

LC-MS. With our Agilent 6530B LC-qTOF system we can provide high resolution MS1 and MS2 scans of targeted and untargeted analytes. This instrument is routinely used for the detection and quantification of low-abundance natural products in complex mixtures with high resolution mass.

GC-MS. Our gas chromatography – mass spectrometer instruments can reliably detect and quantify trace levels of volatile compounds in crude or purified samples. These instruments are regularly used for the quantification of compounds like terpenes, waxes, esters, and aldehydes.

GC-MS (Headspace or SPME). By using robotic autosamplers we can assess static headspace or SPME (solid-phase microextraction) concentrated volatiles through our GC-MS systems. Headspace can provide very clean data, while SPME can greatly enhance detection limits.

GC-MS-ODP. This instrument couples a mass spectrometer with sensory data using an olfactometry detection port. This allows you to combine chemical and sensory information in an “olfactogram”. The ODP technique is often used by flavorists, perfumists, product developers, and sensory studies coupled with gene identification.

GC-MSMS. With our Agilent GC-triple quadrupole mass spectrometer we can conduct trace level analysis of analytes using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). This is a widely used technique for trace analysis of environmental contaminants such as pesticides in plant tissue, analytes in ppb concentrations, and aglycone precursors.

HPLC (DAD, UV, RID, FLD). This is a robust technique used for reliable quantification and detection of compounds. We regularly use HPLC methods for the quantification of sugars, amino acids, small organic acids, and carotenoids. This technique is widespread in QC labs around the world. We have several HPLC or UPLC options, and can offer high sample throughput for those large sample sets.


Instrument Model
LC-qTOF Agilent 6530B qTOF with a 1290 LC stack
GC-MS Agilent 6890 GC with a 5975 MSD
GC-MSMS Agilent 7890 GC with a 7000A triple quad
GC-MS-HS Agilent 6890 GC with a 5975 MS and an autosampler for HS or SPME analysis
GC-MS-ODP Agilent 6890 GC with a headspace autosampler, a Gerstel olfactometry detection port, and a 5973 MSD
HPLC-DAD-RID Agilent 1260 binary pump stack with RID and DAD detectors
HPLC-DAD-FLD Agilent 1260 quaternary pump stack with FLD and DAD detectors
UPLC-PDA Waters Acquity H-Class with quaternary pumps and a refrigerated sample organizer.

All fees are charged per sample:

Services UBC External Academic External Non-Academic
GC-MS (MS or MSMS) / per run $20.00 $26.00 $40.00
HPLC (DAD, RID, FLD) / per run $17.00 $22.10 $34.00
LCMS (qTOF) / per run $25.00 $32.50 $50.00
User Training $120.00 $156.00 Inquire
Staff Services** / per hour $100.00 $130.00 $200.00

**Discounts on more than 50 runs per billing period. Invoices are issued every two months.

** ie. method development, data-processing, formal consultation (does not include general advice or assistance)

Note: If you assist the facility in acquiring equipment, or plan on analyzing thousands of samples, you may qualify for special ACF member rates. Please contact the facility manager for more information about membership.

After completing your instrument orientation you will be able to reserve instrument time with your CWL. The link to the calendar is below. If you are off campus, please connect to the VPN to book.

Calendar link: Meeting Room Booking System (

If you’d like to schedule instrument training or facility orientation please reach out to the facility manager, Eerik Piirtola, at


Yan Y, Castellarin SD. 2022. Blueberry water loss is related to both cuticular wax composition and stem scare size. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 188: 111907.

Pico J. Yan Y, Gerbrandt EM, Castellarin SD. 2022. Determination of free and bound phenolics in northern highbush blueberries by a validated HPLC/QTOF methodology. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 108: 104412.