Rachel Chan (BSc in Food, Nutrition and Health)
Major: Food, Nutrition and Health
Rachel Chan recalls an important lightbulb moment in her undergraduate years: in 2020 her understanding of the multiple factors that impact a person’s health became crystallized.
“I came into this thinking nutrition was just about the body,” says Chan. “But social determinants can be equally important on health outcomes for individuals and communities. This expanded my thinking and I began to look at problems on a macro-level and, even today, I’m able to analyze every issue with a wider perspective.”
She plans to apply systems thinking to her new job. Now back in her hometown of Hong Kong, Chan is working with a team to expand the presence of a Berlin-based social innovation and impact advisory across Asia.
“Our goal is to build a new economy that is sustainable, equitable and innovative.”
She’s excited to be training entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs to be more purposeful as they navigate current challenges – ranging from increasing their understanding of gender and diversity to handling hybrid work to incorporating climate change policies.
One of her organization’s upcoming campaigns is to improve the health and well-being of Hong Kong residents by re-imaging building technology and design. Chan says they are preparing an incubator and a summit about sustainable living that will include architects, engineers and anyone from the public who wants to have input into how high-rise living can be improved.
Working as the LFS Undergraduate Society AMS Representative has made it easier for Chan to understand how the workplace functions through teamwork and understanding the nuances of interpersonal communication, which is especially helpful when working across time zones.
Tips for first year students:
Chan was only in Vancouver for the first two years of her program due to the pandemic but she was involved in clubs right from the start, including A Capella Club. She encourages students to join clubs in order to make connections with like-minded people. Also, as a student from outside of B.C., she took time to explore Vancouver and the beautiful campus, especially the forests and beaches.
Tagged with: 2022, Food Nutrition and Health, Undergraduate