Melina Biron, Greenhouse Manager


Melina Biron, Greenhouse Manager

Oct 16, 2015

Our work learn student, Jennifer Wu, caught up with Melina Biron, Manager of UBC’s Horticulture Greenhouse, to learn more about her passion for growing.

How did you become interested in horticulture?

I became interested in horticulture at a young age in the garden where I started growing radishes behind a hydrangea.  I always enjoyed learning about native plants and their uses. Through my studies at UBC I fell in love with the science and art that is greenhouse growing. I had the opportunity to work as a work learn student in the Horticulture greenhouse shortly after it was built.  From that point forward I continued working in greenhouses.

What sort of plants grow in the Greenhouse?

So many different plants grow in greenhouses.  The standard fruits are Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper and Eggplant.  The less standard fruits are Grapes, Strawberries, Papayas, citrus and melons.  There are too many flowers to list but Roses, Gerbera, Lilies and Geraniums are a few.  There are many vegetables including leafy greens, herbs, and root vegetables.

What do you like most about working as the Greenhouse Manager?

I really enjoy working with the different researchers and students helping them through their experiments.  It is a wonderful environment to work in.  Plants are always growing, projects are always changing, new pests and diseases pop up from time to time and present challenges in controlling them.  The environment is never static.

What challenges do you face in the management of the Greenhouse?

I face challenges with the different diseases that pressure the different plants we have in the greenhouse.  We don’t always have the right tools to control them as they may not be a conventional greenhouse plant, such as the Pawpaw trees. They are reported to have no pest or disease pressure and in the greenhouse that can’t be further from the truth.  External factors like the surrounding construction can also be quite challenging.

I was told that there is a cat(s) residing in the Greenhouse. What is the story behind that?

This facility has always had a feline head of rodent control.  There was time when this position was not filled and the facility filled with rats.  The greenhouse is an easily accessible place for them to infiltrate.  There is food in the way of seeds and plants so we are at a real risk without the help and support of the position.  It is currently filled by Charlie and his subordinate Lola.

Do you have a favourite plant in the Greenhouse? If so, why is this your favourite?

Well I always keep a plant of mimosa nervosa around because of the delight it brings to students that have not encountered it before.  It has the ability to collapse its leaflets and petioles at the slightest touch giving itself the appearance of being wilted.  After a few minutes when the threat is gone it resumes its turgor pressure and looks as though nothing ever happened.  So much fun.

I also have to say how much I enjoy the cycads.  Especially when they dawn their new leaves that are often beautiful colours and softer than kitten ears.

If you could spend the summer in a different country, where would you want to go and why?

I would say Australia due to its isolated island nature.  I would like to explore the plants of the different regions and see some of the endemic animals that live there.  I also love to snorkel and seeing a whale shark off the coast of Australia is definitely on my bucket list.

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