Hi, LFS! Use this calendar to stay in the loop. Remember to check your email for the Newslettuce and follow @lfsnewslettuce on Instagram for additional information on upcoming events and opportunities!
Does your organization have an event or opportunity that they want to share with LFS undergraduate students? Submit a request to have your event featured on the Newslettuce or LFS Undergrad Events Calendar!
Looking to join Drop-In Advising? First, find a Drop-In Zoom Advising time that fits with your schedule from the calendar below, then click into the “Drop-In Zoom Advising” block that you wish to join. If the room is locked during drop-in hours, it means we at capacity for the moment; please check back, as we’ll re-open the room if we can clear the queue. Thanks for your patience.

All times posted are in Pacific Time.
Category Legend:
LFS Student Services Advising Schedule