Eduardo Jovel
Associate Professor, Applied Biology
Director, Indigenous Research Partnerships
MacMillan 327, 2357 Main Mall
My research interests include Indigenous plant knowledge, mycology, natural product chemistry, and Aboriginal health. I am especially concerned with organismal and chemical diversity and their intersection with human and environmental health. I am interested in Indigenous peoples’ worldviews and their use of ecosystem resources to maintain health and wellness, particularly plants uses. My research includes Indigenous medicinal systems, food security, environmental health, research ethics, gender relations, and Indigenous research methods. I strive to integrate interprofessional research practices and education, and merge Indigenous knowledge and Western academic disciplinary positions and cultural contexts, while maintaining academic rigor.
Research Projects
- ecological and socio-economic intensification for food security in smallholder agriculture in the Andes, Peru
- assessment of indoor moulds in Aboriginal housing and impacts on health
- identification of potential sources of bioactive molecules from BC fungi
- impacts of environmental contaminants on traditional marine foods and medicines
- antioxidant activities, total phenolic content, and antimicrobial properties of BC native plants and entomogenous fungi
- evaluation of plants with mercury chelating properties
- Niloofar Kahkeshani, Yaghoub Razzaghirad, Seyed Nasser Ostad, Abbas Hadjiakhoondi, Mohammad Reza Shams Ardekani, Homa Hajimehdipoor, Hosein Attar, Mahtab Samadi, Eduardo Jovel, & Mahnaz Khanavi (2014). Cytotoxic, Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor and Antioxidant Activity of Nepeta menthoides Boiss & Buhse essential oil. J. of Essential Oils 17(4):554-552
- Olaizola, C., Abramowski, Z.A., and Jovel Ayala, E. (2013). Photoprotective Effect of Fungal Melanins Against UBV in Human Skin Cells. Micologia Aplicada International 25(1):3-12
- Harder, H., Rash, J., Holyk, T., Jovel, E., Harder, K. (2012). Indigenous Youth Suicide: A Systematic Review of Literature. Journal Of Aboriginal and Indigenous Community 10(1): 125-142.
- Jauregui X, Clavo ZM, Jovel EM, Pardo-de-Santayana M. (2011) Plantas con madre”: Plants that teach and guide in the shamanic initiation process in the East-Central Peruvian Amazon. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 134(3):739-52.
- Kang, S., Jovel, E. H. Hong, B. Hwang, P. Liu, M. Lee, K. Lee, and G.H.N. Towers. 2007. Chemical Constituents of the Moss Hylocomium splendens. Natural Products Sciences 13(4): 394-397.
- Jovel, E.M., X. Zhou, D.S. Ming, T.R. Wahbe, and G.H.N. Towers. 2007. Bioactivity-guided isolation of the active compounds from Rosa nutkana and quantitative analysis of ascorbic acid by HPLC. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 85:865-871.
- Wahbe, T.W., E.M. Jovel, D.R. Silva, V.E. Pilco, and N.R. Point. 2007. Building International Indigenous People’s Partnerships for Community-Driven Health Initiatives. EcoHealth 4:472-488.
- Yi, O., E.M. Jovel, G.H. Towers, T.R. Wahbe, and D. Cho. 2007. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of native Rosa sp. from British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 58(3):178-189.
- S.J. Kang, S.H. Kim, P. Liu, E.M. Jovel, and G.H.N. Towers. 2007. Antibacterial activities of some mosses including Hylocomium splendens from South Western British Columbia Fitoterapia 78(5): 373-376.
- González, M.I., E. Cifuentes, J.E. Cortéz, C. Ríos, S.J. Rothenberg, M. Veiga, and E.M. Jovel. 2006. Concentraciones de mercurio total en sangre y cabello por ingesta de pescado en niños, mujeres embarazadas y en edad reproductiva residentes de los municipios aledaños al lago Chalapa, Jalisco- México. Acta Toxicológica Argentina. 14:22-24.
- Archibald, J., E.M. Jovel, R. Vedan, and R. McCormick. 2006. Creating Transformative Aboriginal Health Research: The BC ACADRE at Three Years (2006). Canadian Journal of Native Education 39(1): 4-11.
- Archibald, J., E.M. Jovel, R. Vedan, and R. McCormick. 2006. Indigenous Education: Creating and Maintaining Positive Health. Canadian Journal of Native Education 39(1):1-3.
- Jovel, E.M., J. Cabanillas, and G.H.N. Towers. 1996. An Ethnobotanical Study of the Traditional Medicine of the Mestizo People of Suni Mirano, Loreto, Perú. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 53:149- 156.
- Jovel, E.M., G.H.N. Towers, and P. Kroeger. 1996. Hydroquinone: the toxic compound of Agaricus hondensis. Planta Medica 2(62): 185.
Tagged with: Applied Biology, Faculty, Indigenous, Integrated Studies, Plant Science