David McArthur
Honorary Lecturer, Applied Biology
MacMillan 133, 2357 Main Mall
University of Alberta, 1992, PhD, Plant Physiology
University of British Columbia, 1987, MSc, Horticulture
University of British Columbia, 1983, BSc (Agr)
- Reproductive biology of fruit crops including hormone physiology
- Fruit crop responses to environment (cold injury) and cultural management
- Efficiency of nutrient uptake and allocation; nutrient leaching due to soil-type & nutrient-source.
- Plant nutrition and plant–microbe interactions (mycorrhizae)
- Use of advanced microscopic techniques (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, SEM, TEM) to characterize flower development, mycorrhizae and plant roots.
- APBI 322: Horticultural Techniques
- APBI 360: Food & Environment II
- APBI 490 002: Sustainable Fruit Production
- FNH 330: Introduction Wine Science I
- FNH 335: Introduction Wine Science II
McArthur DAJ (2001) Optimizing nutrient delivery in variable soils for sustainable highbush blueberry production. Acta Horticulturae 564: 393-406
McArthur DAJ, NR Knowles (1993) Influence of species of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and phosphorus nutrition on growth, development and mineral physiology of potato. Plant Physiol 102: 771-782
McArthur DAJ, NR Knowles (1993) Influence of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the response of potato to phosphorus deficiency. Plant Physiol 101: 147-160
McArthur DAJ, Mauza B (2003) Hidden winter injury in BC cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait): frost, cold injury or biotic stress? North American Cranberry Researchers & Extension Workers Conference, U. Mass
McArthur DAJ, Isman M (2003) Reduced-risk pesticides based on plant essential oils (fruit crops). NSERC & FVSGA, RC, BCCGA, BCBC-Industry Report
McArthur DAJ, Scaman, CH Zhang R, Ellis BE, Pharis RP (2001) Carbohydrate metabolism, mineral nutrition and endogenous hormones of cranberry before, during and after floral induction. Cranberry Institute Reports
McArthur DAJ, Gelok E, Wan A, Boss A, Isman M (2000) Reduced-risk pesticides based on plant essential oils for integrated fruit crop management. 2000 Int. Chem Congress, ACS, Honolulu
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