A Message from the Dean

There are changemakers among us. Those who are not satisfied with the status quo and are motivated to take action for the greater good. In this issue of ReachOut we talk to a few of those changemakers in the Land and Food Systems community who are making a difference.
Two LFS alumni threw their names into the City of Vancouver elections for the first time last fall and both won a seat. One says he is an unexpected politician who, as a new Vancouver Park Board Commissioner, is able to review every project that passes his desk with a climate lens. The other honed her skills as an activist during her time at UBC, and she is now a City Councillor who has already passed a successful motion to declare a climate emergency.
Changemakers can be young and hungry as well. We show you students who want to see social equity issues discussed and actioned in more LFS and UBC courses. They are embarking on an ambitious project that involves people from four different departments at UBC. Their goal is to update curriculum and develop instructional tools that will give students the skills to enact change for the better in the food system.
Our first-rate researchers are also continuing to innovate and transform the world. They are bridging the divide between climate change research and application for B.C. farmers, improving plant breeds for organic farmers, and finding ways to use organisms to help plants combat the effects of carbon dioxide.
And finally, we are pleased to talk about a unique LFS undergraduate course that teaches students the art of capturing both sides of a story and communicating science clearly through the use of podcasting. This is an important course, because having people understand your message underlies all change. It’s inspiring for me to see how our alumni, students, staff and faculty can demonstrate such passion to make a difference.
I hope you enjoy the spring issue of ReachOut and as always, I welcome your feedback. If you wish to reach me, you can connect with me at r.yada@ubc.ca.
Rickey Yada
Dean, Faculty of Land and Food Systems